Saturday, September 25, 2010

R2 - P3 Day 25 (-1.0, 114.7)

Now that was a successful correction day!
We had a lovely time with some friends last night, it was so good to see them! It was a very late night, I went to bed at 2am (the other half followed later, not sure when), mostly because I was very hungry, determined NOT to eat (and possibly wreck any progress I'd made), and the other half was having a snack and I just couldn't sit there and watch him eat. Most times, I'm fine with that, but not last night!
Today is a regular P3 day. I've had a couple of slices of cheese, eggs for breakfast. I'm having salad and a chicken patty for lunch. Dinner will be at the birthday girl's house (BBQ), and I will cope with that well, I'm sure. Hoping tomorrow is the same (I'm liking the 114 range, it's been a while!)
Anyway, need to get on with my day, but just wanted to check in. Happy Friday! :)

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