Saturday, September 25, 2010

R2 - P3 Day 24 (+0.2, 115.7)

Yep, definitely feeling like I'm hitting my stride here. Yesterday I had cream in my coffee, a couple of slices of cheese (in my meals), and some sour cream in addition to my meals (breakfast was 4 eggs scrambled in olive oil with a slice of cheese, lunch was a hamburger patty fried in olive oil with a tomato on the side, and dinner was another 4 eggs scrambled in olive oil with a hamburger patty crumbled in it and a slice of pepper jack cheese).
And all I saw was 0.2 - which means I maintained! Yay! I won't push it though, I'm still keeping dairy to a minimum as a rule, and my veggies simple. Once I'm down into my safe range again, I'll add fruit again (just apples and grapefruit, the things I ate on P2) and see how it goes.
Today is a correction day. I (again lol) don't particularly feel like doing one, but since there's a birthday party on Friday and a wedding on Saturday and Sunday is my next opportunity to do one, today has to be it. I'll just suck it up, drink my black coffee and move on!
I fried up a bunch of ground turkey last night (made patties) in olive oil, and they will be my meals for the day. I had breakfast already, and allowed myself a TB of sugar free mayo with it, but I'm going to try not to do that more than maybe one more time at dinner. I want to keep the fats as simple as possible, so I might do a drizzle of olive oil on the lunch patty. We'll see.
Tomorrow (I believe) is a BBQ party, so I should be able to navigate that one well, as part of a regular P3 day. The only one that has me a tad worried is the wedding on Saturday - zero influence over the food at that one! I'll just have to pick the best protein choices I can, and avoid sugar as much as possible. I'll do my best, and NOT STRESS! (that's in caps as a not-so-gentle reminder to myself that stressing doesn't help. It just takes the joy out of the moment, and I've done that to myself far too often over the years).
Anyway, onwards, have a great day!

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