Friday, December 31, 2010

R3 P3 Day 8 - 113.9 (-0.4, LDW +1.1)

Wow, this is my last post of 2010! I wish you all safe, joyous New years eves, and a happy, productive 2011!

Interestingly, it appears TOM was a false alarm (unless it was only one day, hey, I'll take that lol). Either way, all the water etc worked. Phew!

We're on our way over to the other half's sister's for tonight, she's on her own, hubby got called away, so we thought we'd hang with her. Not that there were huge plans being considered anyway. They'll be drinking, I probably won't. I

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

R3 P3 Day 7 - 114.3 (+0.6, LDW +1.6)

Ouchies. Darn that added accidental salt intake! And I'm sure not feeling well didn't help. And TOM arrived today. I'm upping my water intake today, from my usual 10 8oz glasses a day to 12. Between flushing my system, and the normal decrease from day 1 to day 2 of TOM, I'm hoping to see something friendlier on the scale tomorrow.

After all of the problems on round 2's stabilization round (in other words, it never really happened), I'm a tad paranoid at the moment. But today will be simple

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R3 P3 Day 6 - 113.7 (+0.4, LDW +0.9)

Still a bit of fluctuation, I'm guessing the cauliflower might be a little bit of an issue? And I still had cheese.

Today I woke up with a horrible tummy bug, cramps and diarrhea, sorry I know, TMI, it made it hard to get the water in today, but I managed it. I also ate 3 meals, and had a late night snack of chicken and cheese. It's so nice to be able to have an evening snack again!

Anyway, it was a quiet day today, I took it quite easy, so this is a boring post. Oh one thing, tomorrow's

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

R3 P3 Day 5 - 113.3 (-0.2, LDW +0.5)

Well I guess the Faje yogurt yesterday was okay! Today I had 3 oz of cheese, and half an ounce of cream cheese in my cauliflower mashed "potatoes", so we'll see if that's okay tomorrow.It would be nice to slowly reduce to LDW over the coming days, I wouldn't cry if I settled at less than LDW, but my main focus is a nice, calm, stable Phase 3. So far so good.

I made a point of having veggies with dinner, as I was light on veggies the last couple of days, and I was feeling like I needed some,

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Monday, December 27, 2010

R3 P3 Day 4 - 113.5 (-0.1, LDW +0.7)

So far so good!! Just sitting here, having my coffee with heavy cream and scrambled eggs and sour cream. Yum! I'll phase in cheese later in the week again, no need to overload my system.

I notice so far that I almost immediately went to about 2000 calories, and that seems to be working in P3. Naturally, come P4 maintenance, I'll have to go down to about 1250-1300 a day for a sedentary level, start there, and see how much I can add and maintain as I get back into working out.

Yesterday was

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R3, P3, Days 1, 2 and 3 Catchup

Hope everyone had happy holidays!!

Day 1 of P3, I weighed 112.6, 0.2 below LDW.

P3 started at 8:00am on Dec 24th. We were on the road, so at that time we stopped and got coffee, I bought some heavy cream to put in my coffee - yummy!! I'd prepared beef and eggs (2 oz crumbled 96/4 hamburger in 2 eggs scrambled in butter). It was yummy (eating it in the car, but one does what one must). It was good, but definitely enough. I love that feeling of small amounts of food being enough when you

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Round 3 - 48-72 hours - 112.6 (+0.1, -0.2 from LDW)

Nice and steady! I can't believe I'm almost at P3!

I'm noticing a tendency to think A LOT about all the things I can eat on P3, and I'm killing that thought when it comes up. First, because I'll be easing into introducing foods this time, and easing my increase of calories as well. I'm determined to be "stable mable" this time! Second, because historically I have always done better with maintenance (and weight loss for that matter) with a reasonable (read limited) amount of choices. You

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Round 3 - 24-48 hours - 112.5 (-0.3 LDW)

Well, the weaning off period is going more or less the same as the last two rounds, with minor fluctuations through the 72 hours. I had to go back and check my spreadsheets to see if it was a typical day two fluctuation, I thought they were larger than that, but it's typical.

I was hungry last night at bedtime, tummy growling etc, but no big deal. This morning the coffee is doing its breakfast job no problem. I do notice, that I have that "empty" feeling in my tummy that we typically

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

End of Round 3 - LDW = 112.8

And I took my last dose this morning at 7:59am. P3 will start at 8:00am on Friday.

My weight was the same as it was yesterday, 112.8, which makes this round's LDW (last dose weight) 1.6 pounds higher than Round 2's. I'm a teeny bit disappointed that I didn't hit 111.anything again, but, it's a pound, my measurements are the same as they were at the end of round 2, and that's all that is truly important. I lost 3 inches off my waist alone this round, which gives you an idea of how bloated I

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Monday, December 20, 2010

R3 P2 Day 21 - 112.8 (-1.1)

Sooooo close to round 2's LDW. Whatever the result is tomorrow, I am so happy with how this round turned out. Tomorrow morning is my last dose, and I am looking forward to getting through the 72 hour weaning off period as the HCG leaves my system, and moving on to the stabilization phase of the HCG protocol.

I've been doing a lot of reading on phasing in foods, and reading on savory breakfasts rather than sweet ones, so I'm thinking my first breakfast will be a hamburger patty with an egg on

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

R3 P2 Days 19 and 20 catchup

Oops don't know how I missed updating!

Day 19 - 114.3 (-0.2)

Spent the day Christmas shopping, and then went to see the new Narnia movie in the evening. All in all a fun day. I tried on pants and am once again a size zero! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Calorie wise, I came in at 427, I did a day without salt, as in no hot sauce and sea salt on my meats, and boy did I ever miss them. I don't know how much of a difference it makes at this point in the round anyway. We'll see tomorrow.

Day 20 -

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Friday, December 17, 2010

R3 P2 Day 18 - 114.5 (-0.0)

Wow, the same. That hasn't happened much at all on this round! My body is taking a rest day.

Today was spent Christmas shopping with the other half's mom, doing housework, and just generally preparing for Christmas.

I ate 413 calories today, it was lower as I didn't eat an apple, had half a grapefruit with lunch instead. I'm still battling my cold, but I'm confident determined that I'll be well by Christmas.

I'm feeling good about my plans to tackle P3 over the holidays, and I'm

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R3 P2 Day 17 - 114.5 (-0.7)

Well, my body seems to be liking the cabbage!

I'd meant to post this last night, but went to bed early, the cold is still kicking my butt, and a good night's sleep helped. I ate 433 calories, still getting my water in, and feeling good (other than the cold).

And that's all to report for this day, more later on Day

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

R3 P2 Day 16 - 115.2 (-1.0)

Well, the cold medicine free day yesterday paid off, I would say! Feeling better over all, so with any luck at all I'll be back to my usual self by Christmas!

Today, I reached a "high" calorically of 456 calories. I enjoyed cabbage for dinner once again, as well as half a pink grapefruit and chicken. Lunch was beef, tomato and an apple. I'm still feeling like avoiding the carb during this round's VLCD phase is a good idea. I'm not thinking about carbs as much, just like Round 1, so I'm

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

R3 P2 Day 15 - 116.2 (+0.5)

Arrgh. I attribute this to water retention due to the cold meds.

Luckily, I feel somewhat better today, other than sounding like a bullfrog. So, today I'm doing without cold meds.

I had to go out earlier to get dog food, and some beef and chicken to cook up for myself. While I was out, I bought a cabbage, and very much enjoyed my steamed cabbage with chicken! Cabbage has to be one of my favorite veggies, and I really wanted something hot.

Got the other half a lasagna. It amazes me how

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Monday, December 13, 2010

R3 P2 Day 14 - 115.7 (-0.6)

Wahhhh I've caught the other half's cold. I'll try to keep the whine fest off this blog.

I'm struggling to get my water in (I aim for ten 8oz glasses a day). I'll drink it (4 to go as of right now), but I really don't enjoy my water when sick with a cold.

Today, I slept the day away. The other half went to the drugstore to get me meds, against my protests. I asked him to at least find me sugar free stuff. And so he did. Bless him.

Lunch was full of warm goodness. I cut up my tomato,

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

R3 P2 Day 13 - 116.3 (-0.6)


It's a grey, rainy day here, the other half is sleeping (and sleeping and sleeping), and will hopefully recover from his cold Q-U-I-C-K-L-Y, as he is to be around when he is sick.

I ate 420 calories yesterday, and had lots of water. TOM is still here, but today or tomorrow will likely be my last day. Always glad when that's done. Counting today, only 10 more days on P2, which means 13 more days of VLCD eating. There is definitely something to be said for doing rounds

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

R3 P2 Day 12 - 116.9 (+0.2)

No idea. Just going to chalk this itty bitty gain up to the vagaries of TOM. I'm sure it and more will be gone tomorrow.

The other half is sick (poor baby), so it was a day of sitting on the couch watching movies. And running out for a few groceries and cold medicine supplies. Exciting lol.

There's been a lot going on in my life the last week or so that has had me very stressed, and it's one of those times where I am SO grateful to be on the HCG protocol. The old me right now would have

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Friday, December 10, 2010

R3 P2 Day 11 - 116.7 (-1.3)

Yay! One thing that I love about the HCG diet is that I can usually depend on a slight gain on day 1 of TOM, followed by a large release on day 2. Happily, this time was no exception!

Just took my dose this morning, and I've emptied out my bottle and will make up a new dose for tonight. I could have used that batch to the bitter end, but since it's a short round, I want my HCG as potent as possible. That will be my last box, so I need to order more. I like knowing I have it on hand.

I am

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

R3 P2 Day 10 - 118.0 (+0.1)

TOM arrived today, hence the minuscule gain. I'm sure it'll be gone tomorrow. I've been a little teary today, but this too shall pass.

I had 438 calories today, I'm thinking that avoiding Grissini is paying off. I'm also realizing how much my body WANTS to get back to 111. I have another 11 days on this round, and I'm confident I'll get back to my LDW from round 2. Lord, I love the HCG diet. It keeps going through my head that this would be taking weeks and weeks the traditional way.


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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

R3 P2 Day 9 - 117.9 (-0.8)

Nice release! Today I'm back on my usual dosing.

The other half is sick with a cold (poor baby), so he's sleeping a lot, which means I've had a nap or two as well lol. In fact, he ended up coming back to bed this morning just as I was getting up, so he twisted my rubber arm and I stayed warm and snuggled up. And ended up getting up L-A-T-E. Like 10:30am! Haven't done that in ages unless I've been sick. It was nice though! :)

I find I'm especially cold this round. Now part of that of

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

R3 P2 Day 8 - 118.7 (-0.4)

Since I missed my dose of HCG last night, I took a slightly higher one this morning, 0.7cc instead of the usual 0.5cc. Either way it shouldn't matter since the HCG takes 72 hours to leave your system (hence that 72 hour period of VLCD eating at the end of phase 2 that we have to do). Figured it couldn't hurt though to go slightly higher this morning.

So, at the end of week 1, I have lost 3.9 pounds (8.0 including the crazy loss during loading), and my average daily loss right now is 0.7

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R3 P2 Day 7 - 119.1 (-0.5)

I almost posted this last night (or rather this morning at 1:30am) then decided I needed sleep more. So, here's a recap -

Yay for the release, today I decorated the house for Christmas, minus the hot chocolate and Christmas cookies. Instead I had irish cream coffee (black), and of course, lots of Christmas tunes playing. It was fun! Times like this are great reminders that the special times in our lives don't have to be about food!

It was a bit emotional for me though, I'd been feeling

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

R3 P2 Day 6 - 119.6 (-0.7)

Yay the teens!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo happy to be back under 120!

A quieter day today, although we did go to Petsmart to get food for the zoo, and discovered that they do pet pics with Santa. So, we'll be there next Saturday for sure with the dogs! Yep, we're going to be "those" people, lol. They're our kids, so they need pics.

I noticed a familiar head rush sensation when I get up too quickly happening again, for me, that's an occupational hazard of being on the HCG diet, but as long as I

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

R3 P2 Day 5 - 120.3 (-1.0)

Yay! Not much longer till I hit the teens again! It's amazing how much better, how much friendlier these numbers feel on the way down isn't it? I also love that I'm feeling "bonier" again. My collar bones are standing out more, when I'm laying down I can feel my rib cage and hip bones more again. Life is good!

I've been averaging between 422-438 calories daily other than days 1 and 2, and my water intake is leveling off at 10 glasses a day. I'd been trying to drink 12 a day, but I noticed

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Friday, December 3, 2010

R3 P2 Day 4 - 121.3 (-0.8)

Nice release, I figured it would be a larger release than yesterday.

I'm starting to take my potassium today, as the waking leg cramps are returning. They are bearable, and since I've noticed that they tend to coincide with a larger release, I'm not complaining too much. However, potassium is good for energy, and cramps, and I don't want to get to feeling dragged out either.

Not a lot to say so far this morning, I'll check in later with an update on the day. Have a happy Friday! Off to

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R3 P2 - Day 1 - 122.1 (-1.1)


I noticed a touch of hunger and tummy growls last night, but today I had trouble remembering to have and/or finish my "breakfast" of black coffee. No hunger whatsoever. Love it! HCG is a wonderful thing!

I came in at 438 calories today, drank 10 glasses of water (seems to be my average at this early point in the round), and had a cup of herbal tea in the evening, hot drinks are a lifesaver on the HCG protocol - they fill you up and counteract the boredom factor nicely.

So far,

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

R3 P2 Day 2 - 123.2 (-0.4)

Well, that's a small release for day 2, but I think it's because I drank so much water yesterday after not having had any (literally, all I had was sips of ginger ale) for the previous two days while I was sick. So, it all evens out in the end, I'm sure tomorrow will be better.

It's nice to be excited to step on the scale in the morning. It's nice to not be hungry. It's nice to be in control again, and looking forward to being back in my size zero jeans (I'm currently in my 4's right now,

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